Jane Wilcoxson
Apr 1, 2017
Fishing Derby Day
I have a couple of my Dads old fishing bobbers kicking around my house. They have this wonderful patina, and in their time they may just...
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Jane Wilcoxson
Mar 31, 2017
Salem Again - Acrylic on Canvas
We artists are sensitive creatures picking up the feelings and moods of all the people and places we come into contact with. We can't...
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Jane Wilcoxson
Feb 9, 2016
Art House
I've been filling my little Molskin sketchbook with house sketches. These sketches are executed while I'm a passenger in a car thats...
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Jane Wilcoxson
Mar 20, 2014
The Art of Waiting for Godot.
Making art is about being in love with the process, the journey the mind takes through this process, the sensory sensations of applying...
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Jane Wilcoxson
Mar 17, 2014
How I Fell in Love With Art
We all fall in love with the process of making art in different ways. I was a child of three years, who due to a serious bout of...
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