In the studio things don’t always go as planned. This can happen even when we are diligent and spend the time doing preparatory sketches including, studying a subject so well that we start painting it in our dreams. Still, in the cold light of day we can create an uninspired mess. I’m going through a rough patch right now like this. I can’t get anything right and I am not feeling the joy and excitement of my work. A fellow artist tells me we go through these dry patches because we are evolving into better artists, our skill level has to catch up with the imagery that’s in our heads.
My studio is my sanctuary. It is my place of thought, contemplation and action. This is true even during those weeks when nothing is working and self-doubt creeps in. My creative space is always waiting for me. An artist needs a regular routine and an unnatural amount of passion to keep going. After all we tend to work alone in a place void of feedback and interaction. When those feelings of inadequacy are bearing down it will be our routine of just showing up at our regular time and place that will get us through.
Eventually magical things will start to once again happen in the studio. Those feelings of joy when a painting works out are the reward for those days or weeks of struggle. Remember that when you are blocked or uninspired all you have to do is take those baby steps into the studio and just show up. It’s just how it is with artists.

Artist Jane Wilcoxson was born and educated in England U.K. She now works from her home studio in Oswego Illinois, USA. She works predominantly in oil pastel and delivers the magic of the universe through her quirky animals and fantastical scenes. You can view Jane's original work at and her prints through her Etsy Store